Friday, July 1, 2011

The Begining of a New Era

On the wall, just before the waiting room, at Hope Therapy

After a 2-year "sabbatical", Ethan is back to a therapy regimen that will surely test our determination and fortitude, especially during these long, hot, Summer months.

We just finished our first week at Hope Therapy in Waco, where he will be receiving treatment from a physical therapist twice a week, and speech and occupational therapists, each, once a week. Two appointments, twice a week requiring a two-hour round trip. See what I mean?

This is work!

Getting acquainted with his new PT

Then, there's "homework". I'm sure that if I could convince Ethan to sleep at night, I would have the stamina to see our goals to fruition. Sometimes, "maintenance" is all I can muster after a mere 2-hour rest. But...and it's a big "but"...if we can get him more self-sufficient (standing, walking, eating, talking), maybe my load won't be quite so heavy in my old age. He's tolerating his stander well, here at home; and, I'm hopeful that will help him in the Lite Gait (treadmill) at Hope Therapy. He "walked" for 6 minutes yesterday on this special machine!

You can believe that I'm clinging to that verse on their wall these coming days, weeks, months and years....

Prayers are always appreciated.