Winter came along, and so did illness, for all of us. And, it lingered. So, we lost a bit of strength and momentum during that time. During one bout of sore throat and glands, Ethan decided it best not to eat or drink. For a little over a week, all my efforts were spent at simply keeping him hydrated and warm.
Here he is, grinning at me, after our first successful meal in too-long-a-time. Today, after five days of eating regularly, we had a "workout" in his therapy room, here at home.
He didn't seem to mind the 30 minutes in his stander, as long as he had his hula hoop. Maybe there's enough Texan in him that he was pretending that it was his lasso.
Because, he "rode" the peanut ball, bouncing and exchanging the hoop from one hand to the other. Then, I placed him tummy-over the ball, on hands and knees, with the mirror in front, so that he could see what he was doing. Next, was the ball pool...first sitting, then side-sitting, propping on one elbow, then the other. We ended by walking through the house with and without the walker.
I'm not sure which one of us got the better workout; but, I am looking forward to establishing a daily routine of activities, as time and strength permit.
I recently purchased two special swings for him: a platform and a hammock style. I hope to order the chosen swing frame next week. We are also waiting to receive another specialized walking system, called TAOS.
(Therapeutic Ambulatory Orthotic System is designed to function as an essential aid for children with neuromotor impairments including CP.) Perhaps, that will be the topic of Ethan's next blog. :-)
Oh, and did I mention that he turned THIRTEEN?!?!