For a variety of reasons, not the least of which is financial, we have postponed Ethan's therapy in Ft. Worth and Waco , indefinitely.
Ethan has had therapy at Pediatric Therapy As
Mid-April brought some difficulties in his well-being that yet remain a mystery. He seemed to be in a great deal of pain, as though he had a pinched nerve. Over about 8 weeks' time Ethan experienced various trials, including an illness and a 2-week "hunger strike" in which he lost 6 pounds. He saw a number of medical professionals and therapists to determine the cause(s) of his troubles; but, there were no clear answers. We even had a delinquent baby tooth extracted, in case its close association with the nerves was causing his unwillingness to eat. We did everything we could think of to eliminate any potential causes. All these things resolved themselves with time, thankfully, and he is better than ever, with no hint at the previous problems.
June brought a string of days over 100*, and our house temperature was only about 10* below the outside temperatures. We are blaming the heat for his breakthrough seizure session. It was the first in a year, much milder and of shorter duration than his normal sessions. Since then, I have kept him in the cooler bedroom on the really hot days, and he has withstood the warmth just fine. We are looking forward to weather that allows us to be out and about, though.
Besides his new (used) stander and his new AmTryke, he also has a toilet-chair, which is particularly safe, secure and comfortable. He can take his time, without the process taking its' toll on my back.
Just yesterday, we joined Charlotte's family at a friends' swimming pool for a couple of hours. Ethan has always loved the water. It was good "therapy" for all of us. He sure slept better last night!